Serie "Spirit & Senses"



Mixed techniques: acrylic, watercolor - digitized

Possible dimensions: 100 x 100 cm / 80 x 80 cm / 60 x 60 cm 

Possible finish: canvas / acrylic / metal 

18 copies + 4 artist proofs

Price on request
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nola art spirit senses Paschimottanasana Montage watermark
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Nola Art Spirit Senses Paschimottanasana gelb watermark

Serie "Spirit & Senses"



Mixed techniques: acrylic, watercolor - digitized

Possible dimensions: 100 x 100 cm / 80 x 80 cm / 60 x 60 cm 

Possible finish: canvas / acrylic / metal 

18 copies + 4 artist proofs

Price on request

"Deep contentedness lets us experience limitless happiness." -Patanjalis- 

Yoga plays a big role in my life. Because in addition to my work as an artist, I am also becoming a yoga teacher, which has an additional impact on my art.

Yoga means inspiration to me, because the yoga practice makes you go through life more attentively and with love and compassion. This is what I want to trigger in the viewer with my paintings. 

"Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu" (May all beings experience happiness and harmony) - An attitude towards life and an attitude which is lived through yoga and which I want to convey in my art.

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