Serie "Faces"

Romy Schneider


Mixed techniques: canvas, mixed media, acrylic, oil - digitized

Possible dimensions: 100 x 100 cm / 80 x 80 cm / 60 x 60 cm

Possible finish: canvas / acrylic / metal

20 copies + 5 artist proofs

Price on request
Personalities Nola Art Karl Romy Schneider watermark
Personalities Nola Art Karl Romy Schneider Montage watermark

Serie "Faces"

Romy Schneider


Mixed techniques: canvas, mixed media, acrylic, oil - digitized

Possible dimensions: 100 x 100 cm / 80 x 80 cm / 60 x 60 cm

Possible finish: canvas / acrylic / metal

20 copies + 5 artist proofs

Price on request

Strong personalities, inspiring characters, creative minds and people with radiance - these are the faces of the "Faces" series. People of different kinds who bring inspiring qualities with them. The series Faces stands for the fact that there is something very special in each of us. Everyone is wonderful in his own way. Strive for high ideals, arrive at yourself, arrive at your home.  Be as you are, be brave and go your way. Every path is different, every path can be the right one, if you walk it consciously, in love and full of self-confidence. Believe in yourself. 

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