Serie "Love for nature"

The Swan


Mixed techniques: mixed media - digitized

Possible dimensions: 100 x 100 cm / 80 x 80 cm / 60 x 60 cm 

Possible finish: canvas / acrylic / metal 

24 copies + 1 artist proof

Price on request
Nola Art Love for nature Der Schwan 1 watermark
Nola Art Love for nature Der Schwan Montage watermark

Serie "Love for nature"

The Swan


Mixed techniques: mixed media - digitized

Possible dimensions: 100 x 100 cm / 80 x 80 cm / 60 x 60 cm 

Possible finish: canvas / acrylic / metal 

24 copies + 1 artist proof

Price on request

“Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.” -Voltaire-

I grew up in nature. My parents' house was situated directly at a wonderful enchanted forest and even today I still live close to nature with a view of the Ruhr. I simply love to watch what happens in nature - on the water, in the forest or in the air. From this I get my inspiration from.

"Love for nature" is supposed to stimulate the imagination of the viewer with swans and wild geese, combined with soap bubbles, bright colors, architecture and inspirations from travels. The viewers should let themselves be carried away, into a magical world, where simply everything is possible. 

This light-heartedness and lightness of nature is what I want to capture in this series. It should show us all how wonderful nature is and let us feel the warm honesty with which it surrounds us. 

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